PortFio - sample portfolio of Fio brokers
PortFio is a portfolio of stocks managed by Fio brokers and was created on 1 January 2003, when our brokers received the task of how to best earn returns on a total of 1 million Czech Koruna.
PortFio parametres
Capital input: 1.000.000 Kč
Founded: 1.1.2003
Target of creating model portfolio is to show investors principles of well diversified investment portfolio. Portfolio management is primarily ruled by following existing investment recommendations, published in StockListu. All transactions are made throughonline application e-Broker.
The conditions for its management are the same as for client conditions, including fees for Fio services.
Table of stocks added to the portfolio
Company name | Rate | Securities (number) | Ownership (%) | Ownership |
COLTCZ | 656,00 | 155 | 3,01 % | 101 680 |
ČEZ, A.S. | 946,50 | 1 345 | 37,71 % | 1 273 043 |
ERSTE GROUP BANK AG | 1 440,50 | 600 | 25,60 % | 864 300 |
KOFOLA ČS | 386,00 | 920 | 10,52 % | 355 120 |
KOMERČNÍ BANKA | 853,00 | 235 | 5,94 % | 200 455 |
MONETA MONEY BANK | 123,60 | 4 700 | 17,21 % | 580 920 |
total | 3 375 518 |
Latest comments on added titles
převod cenných papírů do portfolia (nakoupených před 1.1.2003) - 150 ks, 8,78 EUR za akcii