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ETF statement

The parameters you provided correspond to the exchange traded funds shown below, also known as ETF. If the entered parameter does not match any ETF, the list will remain empty. You can enter a newly-selected parameter under this text while the name of the ETF can be entered in the Ticker - if you know it. The prompts may help you with the search.

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název ETFtickertypemitent
SPDR S&P Semiconductor ETFXSDEquityState Street Global Advisors
SPDR S&P VRDO Municipal Bond ETFVRDBondState Street Global Advisors
SPDR S&P World ex-US ETFSPDWEquityState Street Global Advisors
SPDR S&P 500 ETFSPYEquityState Street Global Advisors
SPDR Wells Fargo Preferred Stock ETFPSKEquityState Street Global Advisors
TDAX Independence In-Target ETFTDXMixedXShares Advisors LLC
TDAX Independence 2010 ETFTDDMixedXShares Advisors LLC
TDAX Independence 2020 ETFTDH*MixedXShares Advisors LLC
TDAX Independence 2030 ETFTDNMixedXShares Advisors LLC
TDAX Independence 2040 ETFTDV*MixedXShares Advisors LLC
Technology Select Sector SPDR FundXLKEquityState Street Global Advisors
The PowerShares CEF Income Composite PortfolioPCEFEquityInvesco PowerShares
TXF Large Companies ETFTXFEquityOOK Advisors
United States Brent Oil Fund, LPBNOCommoditiesUnited States Commodity Funds LLC
United States Commodity Index FundUSCICommoditiesUnited States Commodity Funds LLC
United States Gasoline Fund, LPUGACommoditiesUnited States Commodity Funds LLC
United States Heating Oil Fund, LPUHN*CommoditiesUnited States Commodity Funds LLC
United States Natural Gas Fund, LPUNG*CommoditiesUnited States Commodity Funds LLC
United States Oil Fund, LPUSO*CommoditiesUnited States Commodity Funds LLC
United States Short Oil Fund, LPDNO*CommoditiesUnited States Commodity Funds LLC
United States 12 Month Natural Gas Fund, LPUNLCommoditiesUnited States Commodity Funds LLC
United States 12 Month Oil Fund, LPUSLCommoditiesUnited States Commodity Funds LLC
Utilities Select Sector SPDR FundXLUEquityState Street Global Advisors
Vanguard Consumer Discretionary ETFVCREquityThe Vanguard Group, Inc.
Vanguard Consumer Staples ETFVDCEquityThe Vanguard Group, Inc.
Vanguard Dividend Appreciation ETFVIGEquityThe Vanguard Group, Inc.
Vanguard Emerging Markets ETFVWOEquityThe Vanguard Group, Inc.
Vanguard Energy ETFVDEEquityThe Vanguard Group, Inc.
Vanguard Europe Pacific ETFVEAEquityThe Vanguard Group, Inc.
Vanguard European ETFVGKEquityThe Vanguard Group, Inc.
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