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Introduction > Banking Services > Loans > American mortgages

American mortgages

An American mortgage is a special type of loan that provides you with unrestricted options in order to meet any of your financing needs. These mortgages are always secured with a lien on real estate.

American mortgages are also available for specific uses, such as financing the purchase of non-residential space associated with a residence (such as a garage, etc.), refinancing to recoup an investment or for other purposes related to investments in housing that cannot be financed with a standard mortgage product.

This product is specifically intended for individuals and sole proprietors over the age of 18 who are Czech or EU citizens with temporary or permanent address in the Czech Republic for at least 1 year.

Why choose an American mortgage?

  • We offer the following at absolutely no charge: providing the loan, maintaining current and loan accounts, reserving funds and drawing the loan
  • A special discount is offered on loans over CZK 1 million and a 0.4 % discount on mortgage refinancing
  • There are no added charges when you purchase non-residential space related to housing (e.g. garage, etc.) or refinance to recoup invested funds
  • You also can select additional service like the Mortgage saving account (for individuals with loans of more than CZK 1.88 million and for sole proprietors)
  • Some types of non-residential property can be used as collateral
  • Loan amounts are capped at 70 - 80 % of the value of the property (given by the type of collateral)
  • More than 80 branches are available to you across the entire Czech Republic.
  • Please find an overview of interest rates here (in Czech).
  • Calculate your mortgage rates
  • A representative example of American mortgages

How can you get an American mortgage?
You can find a reference calculation of annual fees on-line using our mortgage calculator and receive any other information you may need from any of our branches.

Overview of Fio banka's mortgage specialists

Want to set up a meeting or just have something to ask? Do not hesitate and contact any one of our mortgage specialists.
Are you from a different town or city than our mortgage specialists? Don't despair; you can contact any specialist from the list below. Specialists are ready and willing to communicate with you over the phone or via email. Then you can submit the necessary documents at the Fio banka branch that's closest to you. Branch staff members are trained specifically for this situation and are able to make rapid contact with the specialist you select.

        Město Hypoteční specialista Adresa pobočky Telefonní číslo E-mail
Brno Veronika Konderlová Joštova 4 224 346 814 veronika.konderlova@fio.cz
Brno Pavel Müller Joštova 4 224 346 824 pavel.muller@fio.cz
Brno Petr Sychra Joštova 4 224 346 822 petr.sychra@fio.cz
Brno Ing. Martina Šnajdarová Joštova 4 224 346 821 martina.snajdarova@fio.cz
Brno Mgr. Michaela Žáková Joštova 4 224 346 825 michaela.zakova@fio.cz
České Budějovice Ing. Dagmar Štěchová Dr. Stejskala 110/11 224 346 427 dagmar.stechova@fio.cz
Hradec Králové Ing. Jakub Minařík Masarykovo náměstí 511 224 346 836 jakub.minarik@fio.cz
Jihlava Barbora Smolíková Masarykovo náměstí 20 224 346 869 barbora.smolikova@fio.cz
Liberec Bc. Aleš Urban Pražská 12/15 224 346 881 ales.urban@fio.cz
Olomouc Jiří Polášek Slovenská 506/2 224 346 399 jiri.polasek@fio.cz
Ostrava Bc. Daniela Kavinová Výškovická 2526/118 224 342 739  daniela.kavinova@fio.cz
Ostrava Ing. Eva Myšíková Nádražní 39 (1. patro) 224 346 446 eva.mysikova@fio.cz
Ostrava Ing. Martina Utíkalová Nádražní 39 (1. patro) 224 346 339 martina.utikalova@fio.cz
Pardubice Adéla Doubravová 17. listopadu 408 224 346 842 adela.doubravova@fio.cz
Plzeň Jaroslav Gala Vše s Vámi vyřeší na dálku* 224 342 714 jaroslav.gala@fio.cz
Praha 1 Bc. Jana Jakešová Hybernská 1033/7a 224 346 397 jana.jakesova@fio.cz
Praha 1 Martin Lehečka Hybernská 1033/7a 224 346 988 martin.lehecka@fio.cz
Praha 1 Markéta Skoková Karvanová Hybernská 1033/7a 224 346 396 marketa.skokova@fio.cz
Praha 4 Ing. Roman Lechner Nuselská 401/4 224 346 497 roman.lechner@fio.cz
Praha 9 Pavel Havelka Sokolovská 352/215 224 346 406 pavel.havelka@fio.cz
Praha 9 Irena Vernerová Sokolovská 352/215 224 346 407  irena.vernerova@fio.cz
Ústí nad Labem Jaroslav Gala Dlouhá 3458/2A (Palác Jordán) 224 342 714 jaroslav.gala@fio.cz
Valašské Meziříčí Eliška Plešková Poláškova 36/4 224 346 483 eliska.pleskova@fio.cz
Zlín Zuzana Hrstková Dlouhá 489 224 346 905 zuzana.hrstkova@fio.cz

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